This is just a preview page from the final artwork for the SHADOWLAW GRAPHIC NOVEL.
For those that don't know, I've been working on this series since roughly 2004 when I decided to create my own original title after having doors slammed in my face for the year following the cancellation of my first writing work in the comics biz.
I've dealt with the following kinds of comic book illustrators: liars, thieves, fakers, flakes, emotional retards and a whole slew of folks that weren't serious about anything.
No disrespect to the quality folks that finish what they begin, but it sucked to have to go through the starting and stopping, starting and stopping, starting and stopping to the point where it felt like I should just give up.
But guess what? I didn't give up. I kept at it even when people were secretly rooting for me to fail and laughing behind closed doors at my suffering. (yes, I know who you are).
Now things feel a lot better than they have in the last two years. I am still broke, carless and angry in Los Angeles. But there is a very bright light at the end of the tunnel.
Thanks for the support, my real friends and family.
Pages from my upcoming SHADOWLAW GRAPHIC NOVEL: