I love those damn POLICE ACADEMY movies. Its not that I think police are that funny, but there is something about those ridiculous movies that you can't hate.
When I speak of Police Academy, I am only speaking of the first four of them. Police Academy 5 through 8 were stupid like Paris Hilton stupid. Stupid like Ozzy Osbourne and Paris Hilton having a kid together stupid.
I swear to god, one of those movies had them fighting with the Russian army.
Anyways, on to the list:
10) The big, fat Black guy they called "House."
9) Skateboarding legend and video game license whore Tony Hawk being one of the guys in the skateboarding sequence.
8) That cool ass skateboarding sequence.
7) David Spade's earliest film role. (F%$ck that guy, but I know some people like him.)
6) "Mama's little baby likes shortening bread... hah" If you saw the movie, you know what I am talking about.
5) Yet another awesome appearance of the Blue Oyster bar.
4) Proctor being placed in the middle of a football field while inside of a Port-a-potty.
3) Bobcat Goldwaithe and that wierd blonde chick running towards each other while the song "It doesn't have to be that way" by the Blow Monkeys is playing. Again, those who have seen it, know what I talking about.
2) The Leslie Easterbrook pool scene - Proof that there is a sweet man in Heaven named the Lord Jesus Christ. That woman is an act of God.

And the #1 reason Police Academy 4 is one of the greatest movies of all time:
Watch it here: